Call for Papers

In the last decade, substantial progress has been made w.r.t. the performance of computer vision systems, a significant part of it thanks to deep learning. These advancements prompted sharp community growth and a rise in industrial investment. However, most current models lack the ability to reason about the confidence of their predictions; integrating uncertainty quantification into vision systems will help recognize failure scenarios and enable robust applications.

The ECCV 2024 workshop on Uncertainty Quantification for Computer Vision will consider recent advances in methodology and applications of uncertainty quantification in computer vision. Prospective authors are invited to submit papers or extended abstracts on relevant algorithms and applications including, but not limited to:

  • Applications of uncertainty quantification
  • Failure prediction (e.g., OOD detection)
  • Robustness in CV
  • Safety critical applications in CV
  • Domain-shift in CV
  • Probabilistic deep models
  • Deep probabilistic models
  • Deep ensemble uncertainty
  • Connections between NNs and GPs
  • Incorporating explicit prior knowledge in deep learning
  • Computational aspects and real-time probabilistic inference
  • Output ambiguity, multi-modality and diversity

We invite three types of submissions: workshop papers (14 pages ), extended abstracts (4 pages), and papers accepted at ECCV 2024.

All submissions will be peer-reviewed, and accepted submissions will be presented at the workshop. Only accepted workshop papers will be included in the ICCV Workshop Proceedings.

Submission Instructions

Workshop paper submissions must follow the ECCV 2024 submission guidelines.

Extended abstract submissions must use the UNCV 2024 style (which is based on the CVPR 2022 style) and should be up to 4 pages long, excluding references.

Accepted ECCV papers must be submitted in their original format and as accepted at ECCV.

Supplementary material should be uploaded separately (see OpenReview system). It is entirely up to the reviewers to decide whether they wish to consult this additional material.

All submissions will be handled electronically via OpenReview.
Submission site: OpenReview

Important Dates

All times are end of day AOE.

  • Submission deadline: 10/07/2024
  • Notification of acceptance: 20/08/2024
  • Camera-ready deadline: 31/08/2024